Bogus vouchers and promo codes available from various unscrupulous on-line websites have been advertising Skoolkit discount vouchers and promotional codes to purchase Skoolkit school uniform and products. These offers are fake and have not been endorsed or authorised by Skoolkit and as such are invalid for use either in-store or on the Skoolkit website. All Skoolkit special offers and promotions are only ever publicised on the Skoolkit website, and the only vouchers that we accept are those that have been issued by our Head Office and that have been embossed with the Company stamp.
Unfortunately we do not have any control over the nature and content of any individual discount websites, some of which originate from as far a-field as China and Moldova. Please be assured that Skoolkit will make every effort where possible to remove unauthorised usage of our logos and company identity from the Internet, and Skoolkit does not take responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in connection with the use of these websites.
Thank you for your custom.